Ireland's Malaise
Now available again, via Amazon, in print and Kindle versions.
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Amazon US: Print • Kindle
This book uses a behavioural/cultural approach to analyse the most important agents in the Irish economy, especially entrepreneurs. How do they perform in boom and slump conditions?
It is argued that the underlying growth rate of the Irish economy is no more than 1-2%, if the effects of foreign multinationals are excluded.
Several radical policy proposals are advanced to improve the potential of the economy.
“…there isn’t a great deal any Irish government can do to influence the economy. There is probably no other government in the world with such limited influence on its own economy.”
“…a share economy would be a true social partnership, as opposed to the mutant version that existed until 2010. All the individual stakeholders become empowered, and ‘them and us’ attitudes wither on the vine. The differences between the economy and the community would begin to disappear. A share economy would be consistent with a genuine republic, as distinct from the sort of tribal elitism that has been the norm since the foundation of the state.”
“…Michael Casey shows the same Confucian wisdom as his hero, TK Whitaker, in his brilliant new book which banishes many myths and makes many sound suggestions….”
Eoghan Harris, Sunday Independent
Liffey Press, 2010: ISBN-10: 1905785852 • ISBN-13: 978-1905785858
Amazon reprint, 2020: ISBN-10: 1916026486 • ISBN-13: 978-1916026483

Hundreds of articles, essays and book reviews in the Irish Times, Sunday Times, Business and Finance, Dublin Review of Books, etc.
The subjects range from the Arab Spring to the future of the EU, from the state of the Irish economy to the failure of government policy, from the monopoly power of certain professions to the mistreatment of consumers.